Undergraduate research

Undergraduate Research allows undergraduate students to work on projects, headed by researchers who are multi-subject experts and who will ensure that these students will be actively involved in the research. The aim of undergraduate Research, such as this, is not just general education, but to specifically train students in research and give them the tools for it.

Requirements for an UR scholarship:

  • They must be regularly enrolled in an undergraduate program and have an up-to-date Lattes Curriculum registered/ on the CNPq website - www.cnpq.br;
  • They will need to be selected and appointed by the Researcher responsible for the research project that received a grant for this type of scholarship;
  • Their profile must be compatible with the planned activities and academic performance must be good;
  • They must be able to dedicate themselves to both academic and research activities;
  • They must be willing to dedicate 20 hours/week to complete the approved activity plan under the Researcher’s supervision;
  • They must not be employed;
  • They are not allowed to receive a grant for any other program at the same time, or from any other funding agency, domestic, foreign, or from their own Higher Education Institution (IES). This does not apply to the Universidade para Todos Program (PROUNI), according to official letter CNPq/Copad No. 10/2008.
  • Contacting InsCer about undergraduate research grants
  • You must contact the researcher in the student’s relevant area of interest, directly. Find out more at this link: https://inscer.pucrs.br/br/pesquisa