06 de Julho de 2020

Webinar | Science and Researcher Day + PUCRS Launch Excellence in Research

Virtual meeting will bring together four young and promising researchers to discuss science and the transformation of society

No on July 8 we celebrate the National Day of Science and Researcher and to celebrate the important date < span data-contrast = "none"> Dean of Research and Graduate Studies is promoting the webinar Science and the Transformation of Society . The debate will be led by four young and promising researchers: Profa. Ana Paula Duarte de Souza ( School of Health and Life Sciences , Prof. Aline Machado Lucas ( Escola Politécnica ), Prof. André Salata ( School of Humanities ) and Thiago Wendt Viola ( Medical School ). The webinar takes place via Zoom on this link or by ID 948 3287 8034 (password: science) .

The meeting will also mark the online launch of the publication PUCRS Excellence in Research , which brings together several studies conducted by researchers at the University .