19 de Novembro de 2020

Finitus Symposium seeks to bring a new perspective on death

To bring a new rereading on the aspects of death and dying, academic leagues from Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and the Federal District came together to promote the first Finitus Symposium, called < strong> The end as a new beginning . The event, created by the Academic Health and Spirituality League (LIASE) of PUCRS, will take place between November 23 and 26, free of charge and online, through the Symposium's YouTube channel. The four days will be marked by expository classes, dialogues and artistic interventions by the PUCCAMP Theater Group.

On the first day, biologist right Luciana Dadalto talks about “Biotic aspects of death and dying”. On Tuesday, the 24th, pediatrician Alexander Sapiro and psychoanalyst Viviane Sapiro address the “Aspects of death and dying in childhood”. On the 25th, psychologist Rodrigo Luz, from the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation in Brazil, will talk about “Mourning is another word for talking about love”. On the last day, “Spirituality in the process of grieving” will be portrayed with the psychiatrist and researcher Alexander Moreira de Almeida.

The meeting is being promoted by the leagues: LIASE PUCRS, LIMFAC PUCRS, LIASE UFRGS, LIASE UNIFESP, LAGCP UCS, LIASE UCS, LIASE UNB and LISCF PUCCAMP. The event is supported by the School of Medicine of PUCRS, the Institute of the Brain of RS , the Center for Studies in Integrated Psychiatry, the Academic Association of Leagues and Study Groups in Spirituality and Health and the Brazilian Association Family Health Academic Leagues.

To obtain a certificate of participation, it is necessary to register through link < / a> and participate in at least 75% of the activities included.

You can access the broadcasts through the links below:

11/23 at 8:10 pm - Biotic aspects of death and dying https://youtu.be/sR9U8neyHjc

11/24 at 7:20 pm - Aspects of death and dying in childhood https://youtu.be/ RtEmsU0Ow5o

11/25 at 6:20 pm - Mourning is another word for talking about love https://youtu.be / 0DcyOKn1p2I

11/26 at 7:20 pm - Spirituality in the process of mourning https://youtu.be/ bC09YmIIZm0