19 de Agosto de 2019

Nuclear Technology Applications Seminar

As part of the Nuclear Science Week program, the Brazilian Society of Nuclear Medicine, together with the Polytechnic School and School of Health Sciences at PUCRS and the Rio Grande do Sul Brain Institute, promotes the Technology Applications Seminar Nuclear this Monday, August 19th.

In InsCer, the coordinators of the Pre-Clinical Research Center, Gianina Venturin and Samuel Greggio, researchers Cristina Moriguchi and Ana Maria Marques da Silva, nuclear doctor Diego Pianta and the event coordinator, also nuclear doctor Cristina, participate Matushita.

The Nuclear Science Week aims to promote activities throughout Brazil to celebrate the benefits of nuclear technology to society. "There are many legends and myths about the applications of technology that need to be demystified and that is why we brought together professionals from all fields involved to chat with the community for an afternoon," says Matushita.

Registration is free. There's still time! Starts at 1 pm and runs until 5:30 pm, in the auditorium of building 10 at PUCRS.

http://sbmn.org.br/agenda/seminario-de- nuclear-technology-applications /