12 de Agosto de 2019

Vocational Week is held until August 17

The Marist Vocation Week runs from Monday, 12, until Saturday, August 17. With the theme Vocation, a sign of God , the activities carried out in all spaces of Marist mission aim to promote vocational culture and a reflection on the life project of each individual.

Every vocation is a call from God whose intention is the full realization of the human person. We live a dynamic process of construction and reconstruction of our being. In this sense, vocational accompaniment helps in the process of self-knowledge, listening, discernment and responding to the call.

It is with this objective of discernment and discovery about the life project of each person that activities will be developed throughout this week in the different spaces of Marist mission.

Marist religious vocation

Marist Vocational Animation invites us to be a transforming presence. Building a more human, responsible and conscious world. The Marist Brothers are religious who work for the evangelizing education of children, adolescents, young people and adults inspired by Champagnat's mission.

Know more about the activities carried out at PUCRS on this link .