07 de Janeiro de 2019

InsCer 2018 Retrospective

The year of 2018 was a year of consolidation of a great dream for the team of the Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (InsCer): the beginning of expansion works of the enterprise. On November 9, there was an official launch for society, at a dinner celebrating 70 years of PUCRS . At the end of the works, InsCer will have three times more space for research, teaching, assistance and development of radiopharmaceuticals. “The unity and commitment of all the Institute's collaborators made it possible to start the works and consolidate their internationalization, without giving up welcoming, solidarity, empathy and caring for the human person”, stressed the director of InsCer and vice-rector of PUCRS, Jaderson Costa da Costa. This expansion was already part of the original project, and will consolidate the enterprise's prominent position in the country and in the world.

National and international highlight

The international projection was reflected in the constant visits by researchers and authorities throughout the year. There were eight visits by foreigners , such as the renowned neurosurgeon Majid Samii and eight other national visitors. InsCer professionals were also overseas, participating in congresses and international seminars , and contributed to scientific events in Brazil that discuss neurology in several aspects.

In the country, there were also many exchanges, including research, such as the Zika Virus project, which brought 29 children from Alagoas for a series of evaluations at the Institute, with the aim of studying the disease that affects their development and sharing knowledge to help the community.

InsCer in the Community

The dissemination of knowledge is one of the pillars of InsCer. That is why, since its foundation, it has organized an event in which it brings researchers to give lectures to the community on topics of public relevance. Entitled InsCer for the Community , the action takes place every year, free of charge, and addresses Alzheimer's disease, aging, child brain development, multiple sclerosis, among others. This year, the event was consolidated, with the participation of more than four hundred people in the two days of lectures.

Among so many excellent professionals, many receive distinctions and awards around the world. One of them is, Ivan Izquierdo, among the most important neuroscientists in activity, leading the InsCer Memory Center. This year he received the Unesco-Equatorial Guinea International Award for Life Science Research 2017, another recognition for the work dedicated to scientific advancement and the training of new researchers.

The deputy director of the Brain Institute, Magda Lahorgue Nunes, summarizes 2018 as follows: “This was a year of many challenges and with many goals achieved”.