21 de Agosto de 2020

Marist Network joins the campaign “The Amazon needs you”

This week, the Marist Network officially joined the campaign The Amazon needs you organized by the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM) and the Pontificals Missionary Works (POM). The solidarity initiative aims to raise funds to help the needs of the Amazonian peoples during the pandemic period.

The commitment of Christians to caring for threatened lives is one of the hallmarks of that time, but given the limits of financial and human resources, local communities and churches also face challenges in organizing emergency aid in the face of high demand.

In her testimony about the campaign, Sister Irene Lopes, Repam's executive secretary, explains that the lack of basic resources for indigenous, riverside communities and vulnerable people were the main factors that led to the consolidation of this great chain of solidarity. Check out the video:

For the executive vice president of the Marist Network, Brother Odilmar Fachi, joining this important campaign reinforces the institutional commitment of care for life in all mission spaces < / a>: “In the current context, which is very challenging, when we face this global health crisis, joining the campaign shows itself as an opportunity for us to exercise the look to the other, through action. For more than 50 years, the Marist presence has accompanied local communities in the Amazon region. In this way, in tune with the Church and defending life to its fullest, we support this important initiative by being multipliers of the campaign in our area of ​​activity ”, he says.

The funds received in the campaign are being invested in basic baskets, protective masks and hygiene and cleaning kits. All funds are earmarked for 26 dioceses and prelates in the Brazilian Amazon. Follow the testimonials of those who have already benefited on the campaign website.

Interested in contributing to the campaign The Amazon Needs You can make cash donations to the following bank account:

Banco do Brasil | 3413-4 | CC 170.703-5

CNPJ 50.668.441 / 0001-34

The Marist presence in the Amazon

For more than 50 years, the Marist Brothers have been active in the Amazon region, being present in projects aimed at the formation of leaders, insertion in Indigenous communities, Pastoral, Vocational Animation and volunteering . Find out more about Marist action in the Amazon here .