11 de Setembro de 2020

Publication brings information on mental health of adolescents and young people

Marist formation has as its premise the care for human beings in their entirety. The guide Mental health of adolescents and youth in educational settings: human care relationships was thought and designed seeking coherence with what it proposes: presenting an informative and interventional look , dedicated to caring for the lives of adolescents and young people impacted by the contemporary context.

Mental health is still a taboo topic for society. Knowing how to deal with situations of depressive disorders, anxiety and mental illness is a challenge. The guide presents a didactic-pedagogical construction so that educators, trainers and other people who work with adolescents and young people, in different realities, can join efforts in support and care networks.

“This publication arises from research and actions carried out with young people. The analysis of the social phenomenon, added to the proposals of managers and collaborators of Marist enterprises, showed that the contribution of an informative and empathic grant would offer more security in decision making < / span> to people working in youth contexts ”, explains the coordinator of the Youth Observatory, Patrícia Teixeira

The material was prepared by a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychopedagogists and pedagogues. The general organization of the document was carried out by Observatório Juventudes PUCRS / Rede Marista with the support of professionals from the Child and Adolescent Protection Advisory, Educational Management of the Marist Network Colleges < / span> and PUCRS Psychosocial Support Center .

To access the complete guide do download here . If you are interested in training on the subject, contact the Youth Observatory PUCRS / Rede Marista at and - mail : [email protected]

Mental health care in times of social isolation

The guide is divided into five thematic axes that address proposals in an informative and interventional way. Axis number four reflects on how the pandemic is impacting mental health.

In a situation of crisis and, in this case, of social isolation, we know that people , mainly teenagers and young people, react to context differently. Some will feel overwhelmed, confused, disoriented, frightened, anxious, numb or numb. Among the aspects presented by the guide, the proposal is that, as a society, we can look at new generations, create ndo support networks , understanding our human condition and seeking empathy, solidarity and compassion to take care of our mental health.

September yellow

In addition to the launch of the mental health guide, the Marist Network also supports other initiatives related to appreciation of life, especially in this month of September where different initiatives are carried out as a way of prevent o suicide . Among the actions we highlight : support the campaign Life Enhancement Center (< / span> C VV) that is lighting public buildings with yellow color . The Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul < / span> is one of the spaces s representative s Da Rede Marist in this action.

As a way to bring a message of reflection on this theme episode 98 of Minute Beacon of Hope presents important aspects about mental health relating body, mind and spirit. Check out the audio here .

In addition, the institution also promotes, throughout the month, webinars and podcasts to discuss the topic with Marist collaborators.