11 de Setembro de 2020

Program helps in the rehabilitation of patients with sequelae from Covid-19

Among the main sequelae identified in patients who recovered from new coronavirus , are motor, pulmonary and nutritional. Thinking about it, the Rehabilitation Center and the Parque Esportivo da PUCRS prepared the Rehabilitation Program Post-Covid-19 , which offers private service . The multidisciplinary team is made up of m < / span> doctors / as physiatrists < span data-contrast = "auto">, physiotherapists, nutritionists and educators / as < span data-contrast = "auto"> physical .

To participate it is necessary to respect the security period of 14 days after performing the test for Covid-19, in case of a negative result, or 30 days, when the result is positive. Anyone interested in the service can get in touch by phone at the Rehabilitation Center (51) 3320-3596 or by WhatsApp (51) 83480180, from Monday to Friday, 8 am - 6 pm.

The main objective of the Program is to regain functional independence and quality of life from those who recovered from coronavirus , through multidisciplinary service, with an individualized look and progressive monitoring ”, explains Pedro Henrique Deon , coordinator of the Rehabilitation Center and professor of the course de Physiotherapy da School of Health and Life Sciences da PUCRS.

Healing does not solve the problem

Research published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed that, even months after being cured from Covid-19, 87% said they had one or more symptoms of the disease, such as tiredness and breathing problems. Among the 143 people who participated in the study, only 12.6% had been admitted to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

In addition to reaching the lung, considered “ground zero” for the virus, other organs can also be affected, such as the heart, kidneys, intestines, vascular system and even the brain.

Photo: Bruno Todeschini