15 de Junho de 2020

InsCer professionals teach Nuclear Medicine course

Five professionals from the Brain Institute of RS teach classes in the Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Image online course aimed at the multidisciplinary team. Coordination is by Dr. Cristina Matushita, scientific director of the Brazilian Society of Nuclear Medicine (SBMN) and coordinator of Image Medicine at InsCer, technologist Péricles Mocelin, and nuclear doctor Dr. Diego Pianta. InsCer nurses Aline Redu and Ana Paula Fagundes participate as lecturers and the coordinator of the Center for Pre-Clinical Research, Samuel Greggio.

Promoted by SBMN, the event, which runs from June 16 to September 22, had its places sold out in a few hours. In order to provide a virtual update on Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Image, addressing good practices, protocols and clinical applications, the initiative is organized in 15 classes, distributed weekly during the period of realization.

The meetings are divided into themes that address specificities related to scintigraphy, PET CT, radiopharmacy, FDG, pre-clinical research, the role of nursing in nuclear medicine and the management of professional practice in conducting and acquiring image exams.

Check out the full schedule:

Class 1 - 06/16/2020
Cerebral Spect Perfusional Scintigraphy
Péricles Mocelin (RS)

Lesson 2 - 23/06/2020
Myocardial Scintigraphy Rest / Effort
Ricardo Roque (SP)

Lesson 3 - 06/30/2020
Good Practices in Pet CT Cardiology
Nicolás Falero Cudim Montevideo (UY)

Lesson 4 - 07/07/2020
Therapy with Lu 177 PSMA
Vagner Bolzan (SC)

Lesson 5 - 07/14/2020
Basic Principles of Radiopharmacy applied to Nuclear Medicine Drugs, Radiopharmaceuticals and Quality Controls
Ana Paula Bettencourt Carvalho (RS)

Lesson 6 - 21/07/2020
Good Practices, FDG Preparation and Positioning
Cassiano Krauzer (PR)

Lesson 7 - 07/28/2020
What a Nuclear Physician expects from a professional responsible for image acquisition.
Diego Pianta (RS)

Lesson 8 - 08/04/2020
Good practices in preclinical research
Samuel Greggio (RS)

Lesson 9 - 08/11/2020
Good Quality Control Practices of the Câmara Range
Carol Storck (RS)