13 de Julho de 2020

First stage of research on sleep during the pandemic ends in July

How is the quality of your sleep? The first stage of the research carried out by InsCer ends at the end of the month, on July 30th.

Verifying the impacts of home confinement on sleep quality during the Covid-19 pandemic is the main objective of the study led by the deputy director of InsCer and professor at the School of Medicine at PUCRS, Magda Lahorgue Nunes.

The study intends to collect geo-referencing data to identify possible regional effects of home confinement, as well as such as the presence of excessive daytime sleepiness and assess whether, in the cases where the respondents signal a worsening of sleep quality during home confinement, whether these are permanent or transient changes.

To participate in the survey it is necessary to answer an online questionnaire, available on this link until the 30th of July: