20 de Abril de 2020

Research aims to measure the impact of stress during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Professor Dr. Rodrigo Grassi de Oliveira, a researcher at the Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (InsCer), along with a team of researchers from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), including Dr. Jaderson Costa da Costa, vice-rector of PUCRS and director of InsCer, and the professors, Carla Bonan, Christian Kristensen, Thiago Viola and Felipe Meneguzzi, and the postdoctoral student Bruno Kluwe-Schiavon and the doctoral student Lucas Bandinelli, are conducting research to compare how people are feeling during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participants, interested in contributing to the study, will answer a questionnaire involving scenarios related to decision making on issues involving the possibility of receiving a monthly salary and the risk of contagion from COVID-19. Anyone over the age of 15 can participate, on a voluntary basis, taking approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. It is noteworthy that the questionnaires are anonymous, so the respondents cannot be identified in the results of the study. To volunteer to complete the questionnaire, just click here.