07 de Agosto de 2020


On August 9, we celebrate Father's Day . It is time to pay tribute to all those who, in their own way, are witness and inspiration for their children, as well as a reference for care, courage and protection.

The date highlights one of Marist values ​​, the family spirit, present in attitudes of proximity, acceptance and acceptance of differences. It also recalls that value when we place common interests above personal interests. Particularly in the current reality, the need to become closer and more responsible for each other as a large family becomes evident.

About the date

In 1981, the Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) , in its 19th General Assembly, instituted August as Vocational Month, emphasizing the commitment of each person, especially to the four specific vocations: priesthood, parents, men and women religious and lay people, and thus, also instituted the second Sunday of the month dedicated to parents. In that month, we also institutionally celebrated Marist Day (15) , Student Day (11) and Family Week in different Marist Units.

Source: Marist Network