08 de Outubro de 2019

Pediatric guidelines on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Magda Lahorgue Nunes
Researcher in charge: Janaina S. Martins de Souza

SIDS is defined as “the sudden and unexpected death” of a healthy child during sleep, the cause of which remains unexplained even after reviewing the clinical history and a thorough investigation of the case, including complete autopsy and analysis of the death scene (KROUS et al., 2004).

The coefficient of infant deaths from SIDS continues to be an indicator of public health conditions in the population. Although actions have already been developed for the safe sleep of the newborn and prevention of SIDS, the literature points out that it is necessary to act in the permanent education of health professionals, as well as to reinforce the guidelines in prenatal and childcare consultations, since through continuing education and risk prevention these deaths can be reduced.

After the campaign “Sleeping from a Stomach to the Top is More Safe”, carried out by the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP), a study was conducted to assess the impact of the campaign and the adherence of pediatricians to change attitudes about the new recommendations regarding the infant's safe sleep position. 1654 pediatricians participated in the study, where it was found that 84.7% know the recommendation regarding the positioning of the newborn's sleep by the SBP and partially recognize the risk factors for SIDS. Of these doctors, 77.1% modified the guidelines regarding the newborn's sleep position, and before the campaign, 67.5% of them oriented the lateral position as being the correct position for the babies' sleep, 23.1 % recommended the dorsal position and 9.3% the prone position. After the campaign, the study found that 76.2% of pediatricians changed the guidelines for the newborn's dorsal sleep position, 10.4% are orienting the lateral position and 12.8% the prone position (MAESTRI and NUNES, 2016).

Therefore, it is known that changes in practice are difficult to change in most health professionals and even in the population. Therefore, this study aims to identify whether parents are receiving guidance on safe sleep practices and guidance on prevention of SIDS in the childcare consultation with the pediatrician and, if, later, continue to practice the guidance received.

The study aims to verify whether the parents of children aged 0-12 months receive guidance on safe sleep habits and measures to prevent sudden infant death syndrome in pediatric childcare consultations. In addition, we want to assess the knowledge of parents of children aged 0-12 months about safe sleeping habits and measures to prevent sudden infant death syndrome; identify what are the guidelines received by parents in pediatric consultations regarding safe sleep habits and risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome; verify that parents put into practice the guidelines they receive from pediatricians regarding safe sleeping habits and prevention of SIDS.

The target population of the research are parents of infants 0-12 months old who were born in all regions of Brazil.

Participation in the survey is done through a questionnaire made available through the Qualtrics® Software (www.qualtrics.com), by accessing the survey link https://pucrs.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eFNK9zJTxfFvjsF the respondent directly enters the free and informed consent form, where they agree to participate in the survey. This step is mandatory to access the questionnaire. It is also possible to participate in the survey by accessing the link through instagram “sono.seguro”.

KROUS, H. F. et al. Sudden infant death syndrome and unclassified sudden infant deaths: a definitional and diagnostic approach. Pediatrics, vol. 114, n. 1, p. 234-238, 2004. ISSN 0031-4005.

MAESTRI, R. N .; NUNES, M. L. The uptake of safe infant sleep practices by Brazilian pediatricians: a nationwide cross-sectional survey. Sleep medicine, v. 20, p. 123-128, 2016. ISSN 1389-9457.