16 de Outubro de 2020

Death note Emílio Antônio Jeckel Neto

It is with deep regret that we register the death of Prof. Emílio Antônio Jeckel Neto occurred this Monday, October 12th.

Professor at the School of Sciences, Health and Life and advisor to the Dean of Undergraduate and Continuing Education, prof. Emílio was director of the Science and Technology Museum at PUCRS from 2007 to 2013.

In his career at the University, Prof. Emílio worked in important areas, including the PUCRS transformation movement. At MCT-PUCRS, his entrepreneurial vision has led to numerous significant actions in the pursuit of scientific dissemination, the main mission of the Museum.

Temporary thematic exhibitions, with current and everyday scientific themes and the inclusion of scientific collections as participants in the exhibition were some of its initiatives. The temporary exhibitions (R) Darwin's Evolution, Energy, Earthquakes: Marks of an Restless Planet, Spiders: enemies or allies, the cycle Conversations about Time, Amphibians: Diversities and Threats, Science and Care, Science on Set remain in our memory and CSI: Science against Crime.

As a teacher, Emílio Antônio Jeckel Neto prioritized the importance of educational actions in a museum environment, creating and valuing the Museum's Educational Coordination, which with his actions became the important means of contact with teachers from the most diverse levels of education. Inspired by Prof. Emilio to encourage teachers to “appropriate” the Museum as an instrument and inspiration for conducting their classes, the Educational Coordination continues to work on the development of scripts, pre-visits and educational activities of the most diverse.

Emílio with his dedication to the University, inspired actions of transformation in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and his achievements continue to inspire and pave new paths.