20 de Dezembro de 2019

"In this Institute, we have research to improve people's lives", says Governor

“Rio Grande do Sul is a state of entrepreneurial people and here, at PUCRS, this can be seen from the Brain Institute, with all this entrepreneurial and innovation capacity in an area that the state stands out, that of Cheers. At this Institute, we have research to improve people's lives, especially in neurological issues ”. This was the message transmitted by the Governor of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, after visiting the works of phase two of Instituto do Cebra do Rio Grande do Sul (InsCer) , which took place on the morning of Friday, December 20. The triplication of the Institute is the first work on the PUCRS Health Campus.

The meeting was also attended by the vice president of the Regional Development Bank of the Far South (BRDE), Luiz Corrêa Noronha; in addition to the rector of the University, Ir. Evilázio Teixeira ; the vice-rector and director of InsCer, Jaderson Costa da Costa ; pro-rectors, other representatives of the rectory, of Hospital São Lucas , professors and researchers at PUCRS.

Photo: Bruno Todeschini

Regarding the meeting, the director of InsCer defined it as very rich, as the governor is attentive to issues related to innovation and health. It also emphasized the presence of the vice president of BRDE, an entity that contributed significantly to fundraising. “It drew the attention of both of us that we are a core of excellence, a catalyst for other actions. Our expertise can spread to other initiatives in the State, a multiplier effect ”, he commented.

During the visit, the ground floor was presented (the place where the reception, bistro and auditorium spaces will be located), in which there is a model and panels with projections of the enlargement of the building. Visitors also had access to the second floor, an environment that, in the future, will house the resonance, service and administration rooms. In addition to these floors, the building has the third floor, a space for research and laboratories.

Photo: Bruno Todeschini

The inauguration of the new InsCer structure is scheduled for the beginning of the second half of 2020. Regarding the progress of the works, the structural part is in its final stage. “Soon, we will start all the installations, which are: hydraulic, electrical, masonry, among others”, added the PUCRS infrastructure manager, Hélio Giaretta.

Phase two of InsCer

With investment from the Critical Innovation program, from the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep) and investments from the University, the works were announced in November 2018, during the celebration of the 70th anniversary of PUCRS. Reference in neuroscience in Brazil and abroad, InsCer will receive more space for research and projects in the area.

Practically, Inscer will triple its physical area, going from the current 2,500 square meters to 9,300 square meters. This work makes it possible to double the number of patients seen, from 1,200 per month to 2,500, and increase the current number of 73 employees.