25 de Outubro de 2019

Story with Dr. Lucas Schilling on memory

An article has just been published with neurologist Lucas Schilling, a researcher at the Cerebro Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, on the UOL-Viva Bem! The article addresses memory and brings five tips to make it sharper. The researcher explains that the decline in memory starts to be noticeable from the age of 50, intensifying after the age of 60. But that does not mean that everyone will have problems of forgetting as they get older.

Schilling states that an intellectually active person, who studies and reads a lot, for example, tends to postpone the appearance of memory failures. Therefore, the more used, the more efficient this cognitive ability becomes.
The doctor compares the brain to a city with several neighborhoods: the neighborhood of memory, that of language and that of attention, among others. As long as traffic on the streets flows, you can get where you want. If something happens and blocks a road, the flow stops and it is impossible to access the neighborhoods. The same is true from a cognitive point of view.
Check out the full article in full: https://bit.ly/2BIRG0X