24 de Novembro de 2020

More than 100,000 students had access to quality education in 2019

The yearbook follows the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, and aims to present the achievements, initiatives and joint efforts to strengthen the Marist mission.

The Marist Union of Brazil ( Umbrasil ) launched on 3/11 the Social Report of Marist Brazil 2019. The publication contains the management data of the following areas of Marist activity: Human Rights, Basic Education, Higher Education, Health, Solidarity, Evangelization, Social and Environmental Responsibility, Editorial, Volunteering, Risks and Compliance , Institutional Representation and Marist Heritage and Spiritual.

The yearbook, which follows Global guidelines Reporting Initiative , aims to present to stakeholders the achievements, initiatives and joint efforts to strengthen of the Marist mission.

The working group responsible for the document is coordinated by Umbrasil And formed by representatives of the three Administrative Units of Marist Brazil (Marist Center-North, Marist Group and Marist Network).

The contents are available in two versions: digital and pocket. In the pocket version, which will be printed, the reader will have selected information that will bring more dynamism when presenting the Institution. In the digital version, the data will be exposed in a more robust way, detailing the information through video testimonials and serving as a complementary consultation to the pocket version, whenever necessary.

This is the first time that the country's three Administrative Units have come together to produce a single Social Report, with the main actions carried out in recent years, especially in 2019. “Olhar < / span> for the that we build fills us with pride. There were so many dreams come true, so many projects taken from the paper and elaborated together, based on an innovative educational proposal, based on integral training. We know that we will have a challenging future, so alignment, articulation, transparency and, above all, solidarity, must be genuine options in all our decisions “, says the executive vice president of the Marist Network and the secretary director of < span data-contrast = "auto"> Umbrasil , Ir. Odilmar Fachi .

Access the digital version of the Social Report 2019, by clicking here . < span data-ccp-props = "{" 201341983 ": 0," 335559739 ": 160," 335559740 ": 259}">

Marist action in Brazil in numbers

In 2019, Marist Brazil highlights the access of around 144,000 students, including children, youth and adults, to quality education in 94 elementary schools and in the eight units of Higher Education that are distributed in 25 states and the Federal District.

With an investment of more than R $ 300 million in Education, Health and Solidarity, Marist Brazil believes in its contribution to the construction of a more just, egalitarian and fraternal society. < / span>

Marist Brazil has more than 28 thousand employees, which reflect the institutional commitment to social responsibility and respect for equality, based on the principles of humanization in the management of people by through the Marist charism.

About the Social Report of Marist Brazil

For twelve years, the Social Report has stood out as an important document of accountability to its stakeholders: Marist Brothers, Laypeople, collaborators, teachers, social educators, students and students, hospital patients, alumni, church associations and organizations, public organizations, political bodies, suppliers, partner organizations and the press.

The Social Report of Marist Brazil is the result of the work of thousands of Marist hearts who daily experience and disseminate the human and Christian values ​​revealed by Saint Marcellin Champagnat.