19 de Agosto de 2019

Jaderson Costa participates in the State Congress of Magistrates

The director of the RS Brain Institute, Jaderson Costa da Costa, participated in the 13th State Congress of Magistrates, of the Association of Judges of Rio Grande do Sul with the theme "The Digital Magistracy". The activity discussed the challenges of achieving jurisdiction in a constantly changing world. About 240 magistrates and guests participated in the event.

“Although the development of social networks and online culture is making us more connected and globally aware than at any time in history, it has not served to reverse the decline in empathy, and perhaps it is contributing to it. Social networks are good for disseminating information, but at least so far, less competent in spreading empathy ”, said Costa at the event.

Besides him, the debate was attended by the doctor José Roberto Goldim, head of the Bioethics Service at the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA).