07 de Dezembro de 2018

Brain Institute will triple in size with expansion works

Generating social impact, development and improvements for the Capital and the State have always been a hallmark of PUCRS. In the month of its anniversary, in addition to celebrating the relevant facts that make up 70 years of history, the University celebrates by launching important initiatives in three dimensions: health, urban mobility and education. In health, the expansion of the RS Brain Institute (InsCer) consolidates the reference that is in the area of ​​neuroscience in Brazil and abroad. In urban mobility it is the construction of a bridge over Arroio Dilúvio, in Porto Alegre, to facilitate access to Hospital São Lucas, and also improve the flow of traffic in this region of the city. With regard to teaching, the University presents a new building in the heart of the campus totally focused on innovative teaching methodologies, in addition to living and study spaces for students.

The works will be officially launched at the University's birthday dinner, on November 9th. “Our way of celebrating all these years of contributions in the areas of teaching, research, innovation and extension, is to renew the commitment we have to the development of the State, announcing new and representative legacies to the community”, emphasizes the rector Br. Evilázio Teixeira.

Expansion of the RS Brain Institute

An initiative aimed at teaching, assistance and health promotion, in an integrated and multidisciplinary way, the expansion of InsCer is the first planned work of the PUCRS Health Campus. This environment brings together the Schools of Health Sciences and Medicine of PUCRS, with six undertakings dedicated to this area: in addition to InsCer, the São Lucas Hospital, the Sports Park, the Rehabilitation Center, the Clinical Center and the future Healthcenter Care, a center with differentiated services focused on health and well-being, which is under development. “With the Health Campus, the patient will have complete care. It is a change of model, of paradigm, with integration between all units and facilitated circulation ”, highlights the vice-rector of PUCRS and director of InsCer, Jaderson Costa da Costa.

The expansion of InsCer will cost a total of R $ 66,837 million, of which R $ 60,154 million comes from a loan from the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), the first to be included in the financing line - Critical Innovation of Finep, in 2018. The line is intended for proposals that express the need for technological development to meet national priorities of strategic interest. The other R $ 6,683 million corresponds to PUCRS, equivalent to 10% of the total amount.

Already started, the works are expected to be concluded in April 2020 and will triple the size of the Institute. During this period, InsCer will have a new entry for access by employees and customers, and all current activities will be maintained: the tests performed at the Image Center, clinical and pre-clinical research and the production of radiopharmaceuticals. Customers will have no loss in relation to the services provided.

Currently, the Institute occupies an area of ​​2,549 square meters, corresponding to approximately 40% of the area originally designed. The idea of ​​the expansion is to complete the area corresponding to the original project, reaching a total area of ​​9,335 square meters.

Increased production of radiopharmaceuticals and new structures

With the new structure, the Radiopharmaceutical Production Center will have its development capacity expanded and the entire production process for these new products will take place within InsCer, from basic research to discover new biomarkers, to application in patients . Called Translational Research, this cycle of beginning, middle and end will take place in a new and broad structure, totally focused on research and patient care. These new products are aimed at neurodegenerative and oncological diseases, which have aroused great interest worldwide due to the significant occurrence in the population.

Seven highly equipped laboratories are also planned to be built and represent an advance for translational research, with spaces that favor interaction between researchers. The environments will be dedicated exclusively to experimental research in neurosciences, including the Memory Center, where renowned researcher Ivan Izquierdo works.

The applied research clinic will have nine spaces dedicated to patients from research developed at InsCer; two polysomnography suites and a room for the MRI simulator, equipment used in patients who have phobias. The Image Center, where the exams are carried out, will be expanded, with the acquisition of new state-of-the-art MRI equipment and other tomography equipment, duplicating the exams offered to the community.

The reception will be renewed, offering greater comfort to customers, who will also have a bistro for food and a modern auditorium with 240 seats for use by the scientific, academic and population communities.