16 de Setembro de 2020

Open enrollment for a course on sleep with international speakers

On the 1st and 2nd of October the third edition of Annual Course Sleep Across Life will take place, coordinated by Profa. Dr. Magda Lahorgue Nunes and promoted by the Graduate Program in Pediatrics and Child Health at PUCRS, with support from the University's School of Medicine and the Instituto do Cebra do RS. The course is taught in English (without simultaneous translation) and in Portuguese, and the transmission will be made through the Zoom platform.

The objective is to increase knowledge about the characteristics and function of sleep throughout life, emphasizing normal and pathological aspects, as well as cultural differences. The free course is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, resident doctors and professors at PUCRS and other educational institutions interested in the topic.

The course is mandatory for students of the discipline Sleep Medicine, of the PPG Pediatrics of PUCRS. To register, simply access this link . To access the event, a link will be sent, by email, on October 1st.

Check the schedule

October 1st (6 pm to 8 pm)

  • 18h - Introduction - Magda L. Nunes
  • - The development of sleep during childhood - Karen Spruyt
  • 19h - Sleep and Covid-19 - Magda L. Nunes

2 October (8 am to 8 pm - lunch break from 1 pm to 2 pm)

  • 8h - Pediatric sleep and its methodology: strengths and weaknesses - Karen Spruyt PhD
  • 9h - Experimental models to investigate sleep - Luis Eduardo Wearick PhD
  • 10h - Sleep and Memory - Cristiane Furini PhD
  • 11am - Metabolical effects of Sleep Deprivation - Camila Halal MD, PhD
  • 12:00 - Cross-cultural perspectives of sleep in children - Karen Spruyt PhD
  • 1 pm to 2 pm - Lunch break
  • 14h - The role of the child neuropsychologist: state of the art review of perturbed sleep and outcomes - Karen Spruyt PhD
  • 3:00 pm - Sleep in Children with special situations: Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD - Felipe Kalil MD, PhD
  • 16h - Diagnosis and Management of Insomnia during childhood and adolescence - Oliviero Bruni MD
  • 5:00 pm - Sleep and neurodegenerative disorders - Regina Margis MD, PhD
  • 6:00 pm - Sleep disorders breathing- Clinical aspects - Magali Lumertz MD, MsC
  • 6:30 pm - Sleep disorders breathing - Polysomnographical aspects - Simone Fagundes MD, PhD
  • 19h - Technical aspects of polysomnographies and hands on activity - Rosana Cardoso Alves MD, PhD

Course ministers

Dra. Magda Lahorgue Nunes - Child neurologist. Medical residency in Pediatrics and Neurology at PUCRS HSL. PhD in Neuroscience from UNICAMP. Post-Doctorate in Neuroscience at Albert Einstein College of Medicine New York (USA). Professor at the School of Medicine at PUCRS and deputy director of InsCer (Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul). Former director for Latin America of the International Pediatric Sleep Association (IPSA). He is currently a member of the Task Force on Neonatal Seizures Classification of the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE), where he was also a member of the Neurobiology and Lationamericano Committees.

Dr. Oliviero Bruni - is Associate Professor in Child Neurology and Psychiatry at the Dept. of Developmental and Social Psychology at Sapienza University, in Rome. Dr. Bruni has been involved in sleep research and clinical care in children for over 20 years. He is Past-President of the International Pediatric Sleep Association, member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Association of Sleep Medicine, and Field Editor (Pediatrics) of the journal Sleep Medicine.

Dra. Karen Spruyt - Developmental Neuropsychology Pediatric Sleep. Master in quantitative analysis for social sciences / statistics at the Katholieke Universiteit Brussel / Leuven (Belgium). She earned her PhD in 2005 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). Work at INSERM - Lyon Research Neuroscience Center, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Medical Faculty (France). Research focuses on pediatric sleep and neurodevelopment of the child.

Dra. Camila dos Santos El Halal - Neuropediatrician at Hospital da Criança Conceição - Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, Porto Alegre / RS. PhD in Medicine - Neuroscience, by the Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Health Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).

Dra. Cristiane Regina Guerino Furini - Graduated in Pharmacy from UFRGS. Master and PhD in Health Sciences from PUCRS. Professor at PUCRS School of Medicine and PG in Biomedical Gerontology at PUCRS.

Dr. Felipe Kalil Neto - Neuropediatrician at São Lucas Hospital at PUCRS and Moinhos de Vento. Medical Residence in Pediatrics at HSL at PUCRS. Specialization in Child Neurology at HSL at PUCRS. Specialization in Epilepsy and Electroencephalography at HCPA. PhD in the Graduate Program in Pediatrics and Child Health at PUCRS and Post-Doctorate at InsCer.

Dr. Luis Eduardo Wearick da Silva - Graduated in Physical Education at PUCRS, member of the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory Group (DCNL), at PUCRS. Master and PhD at PPG in Pediatrics and Child Health at PUCRS. Post-Doctorate at InsCer, in the area of ​​Neurodevelopment. He completed a sandwich doctorate at the University of California Irvine, under the supervision of Prof. Timothy Bredy, at the Cognitive Neuroepigenetics Laboratory, developing research that sought to understand the epigenetic mechanisms related to memory and learning.

Dra. Magali Santos Lumertz - Pediatric pulmonology tutor on the team at PUCRS and Moinhos de Vento Hospital (HMV). Master in Pediatrics and Child Health. Coordinator of the Pediatric Pulmonology Committee of the Pediatrics Society of RS (SPRS). Specialist in Sleep Medicine. Member of the Sleep Committee of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP).

Dra. Regina Margis - Physician graduated from PUCRS. Specialist in Psychiatry and Traffic Medicine. Practice area in Sleep Medicine. Master in Biological Sciences, UFRGS. PhD in Medical Sciences at UFRGS. Post-doctorate in Psychiatry, UFRGS.

Dra. Rosana S. Cardoso Alves - Physician at USP, Medical Residency at Hospital de Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo - FMUSP, Master's and PhD in Neurology at FMUSP. Advisor of the Graduate Program of the Department of Neurology at FMUSP. She is currently Treasurer of the Brazilian Sleep Association (ABS). She has also worked with Grupo Fleury since 2001, being Coordinator of the Neurophysiology Group.

Dra. Simone Chaves Fagundes - Physician at the Pulmonology Service at HCPA. Coordinator of the Medical Residency Program in Sleep Medicine at HCPA. PhD in Pneumological Sciences at UFRGS. Specialization in Sleep Medicine by IUPUI (USA).