27 de Agosto de 2020

InsCer receives visit from the Vatican's emissary

The RS Brain Institute received a blessed visit this Thursday afternoon. The emissary Antonio Guizzetti, representing the Vatican Apostolic Alms and the Hope Onlus Association, was in Porto Alegre on a humanitarian mission to deliver to the São Lucas Hospital of PUCRS four respirators and an ultrasound device, donated by Pope Francis.

In the afternoon, he took the opportunity to visit the works of InsCer Phase 2, which will triple in size. Led by the deputy director, Dr. Magda Lahorgue Nunes, Guizzetti visited the works and all the new spaces of InsCer, in addition to the current building, and was surprised by the excellence of structure and professionals.

“I know Latin America's hospital infrastructure very well and I believe that there is a very advanced organizational model here, which we don't see in other countries like Colombia, Chile or Mexico. I also saw that all the professionals I spoke to are of high level, there is a human dedication that goes beyond the professional that is very important. I think you are at the level of an industrialized and developed country. I'm very happy with that! ”, Says Guizzetti.