11 de Novembro de 2020

InsCer thanks those who worked behind the scenes

"Thank you very much Dr. Jaderson, this recognition means a lot to us", emotionally exposed, the PUCRS dean of Administration and Finance, Alam de Oliveira Casartelli, in an unprecedented moment of thanks, the day after the inauguration. With the presence of all those who worked behind the scenes of the project to expand the project, an event was conducted by the director of InsCer, Dr. Jaderson Costa da Costa. “Without you, none of this would have happened. You know the project more than anyone, from when it was there at the plant, to the end. This is a moment of gratitude, a moment of the heart ”.

Dr. Jaderson stressed the importance of the work of a committed and harmonious team, which was tireless on a daily basis to deliver the project in 2020. “Everyone has obstacles, but with determination and commitment we managed to overcome and erect this building. Thank you". And he went on to say that this is a legacy he leaves for society. “It is naive to think that I idealized this Institute for myself. At my age, this is a project that I leave to society and researchers as a legacy ”.

When he took the stage, with a choked voice, Casartelli told a little about the project's history and called colleagues Mauricio Gregianin Testa, Administrative-Financial Director, Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva, Administrative Director of Institutional Development and Milton André Stella, Administrative Director of Quality of Services and Operations, who cited all the teams that worked on the project, asking them to stand up and receive everyone's applause.