05 de Setembro de 2019

HSL - Organ Donation Awareness Campaign

In Brazil more than 30 thousand people are waiting for an organ to save their life

September is the world month to record the importance of organ donation. São Lucas da PUCRS is the private hospital in Porto Alegre with the highest number of notifications and organ donations. Until the month of July, there was an increase of 60% in brain death notifications and 30% in organ donations, when compared to the same period of 2018. They have much to celebrate and understand that they can do more, alerting society to the importance of this act. The campaign MY LEGADO SALVA features testimonials from recipients, teams involved in the donation process and important information to clarify the topic.

The milestone for the start of the campaign will be on September 6th, with the launch event for society, where the play “Begin Again” will be presented, with the actors Kely Nascimento and Robson Vallado and the participation of Tholl group. In parallel, a hotsite will be on the air, bringing reports and clarifications regarding the donation. In addition, a workshop open to society and the formation of a garden, where each seedling, will represent a donation, is planned in the program.

“Death is predictable, but it is never expected. Therefore, it is important to talk to family members about the desire to be an organ donor, as they are responsible for authorizing the donation when the death occurs. Certainly, the decision to consent tends to be more comfortable when families know the desire to be a donor to help other people ”, clarify nurses Dagoberto Rocha and Daiana Kochhann of OPO 2, responsible for identifying potential donors.

The technical director of the São Lucas Hospital of PUCRS, Dr. Saulo Bornhorst, had the experience of receiving a new cornea 12 years ago. The doctor remembers the importance of this episode in his trajectory and reports that the transplant fully restored his vision, enabling the exercise of medicine, paternity and all social relationships in a full and healthy way. “At the time, I waited for the cornea for 2 years. It was a difficult time, as I worked in the emergency room and had difficulty adapting with the contact lenses I used. I was privileged to receive the transplant. I know it is very difficult for the family member who loses someone they love. However, this decision can save lives ”, reinforces Dr. Saulo.


Currently in the State, 40% of families do not authorize organ donation after the death of their family member. The main reasons reported are: ignorance of the deceased's desire, discontent with hospital care and lack of understanding of brain death.

The Organ Search Organization (OPO 2), has a team dedicated to training medical and assistance teams to talk about the topic and welcome family members at this moment that is crucial to save lives. The entity has also assisted the Transplantation Center of RS in conducting brain death training courses for physicians in the clinical staff, which besides being a requirement for the diagnosis of brain death, promotes the updating and discussion of the entire organ donation process.

The work of OPO 2 has already made 550 donations, between 2011 and July this year.