17 de Novembro de 2020

Online event debates strategies for valuing life

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), the Youth Observatory PUCRS / Marist Network, together with the Marist Center for the Promotion of the Rights of Children and Adolescents and members of the ECA / Marist Network's 30-year-old Commission, they promote the roundtable The promotion of life in dialogue: an interdisciplinary approach. The meeting will be held virtually, on the Teams platform, on November 19th , from 17h to 18h30 . Go to here.

The event aims to discuss, in an interdisciplinary way, the promotion of youth lives in the face of mental illness in educational contexts, highlighting the life as a fundamental right to be guaranteed by society in general. Among the themes addressed will be: the family and educational environment as spaces that promote life, reflections on the signs of mental illness presented by young people, as well as how we can contribute to the support and care network.

The debate will be mediated by the coordinator of the Youth Observatory PUCRS / Rede Marista, Patrícia Teixeira, and will include the following guests: Luiz Gustavo Tessaro, advisor to the Youth Observatory PUCRS / Marist Network, Gibsi Maria Rocha, psychiatrist, professor at the School of Medicine at PUCRS and member of the Marist Network Child and Adolescent Protection Advisory, Marlene Rosek, professor at the School of Humanities from PUCRS and member of the Marist Network Child and Adolescent Protection Advisory, Simone Martins, educational supervisor of the Marist Network Colleges and Social Units and Francisco Arseli Kern, coordinator of the Social Service Course and the PUCRS Psychosocial Support Center. < / span>

Those interested in receiving the certificate of attendance (2h) must pre-register on this link .