28 de Abril de 2020

Study investigates the impact of confinement on the sleep of adults and their children

To verify the impacts of home confinement as a containment measure, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, on sleep quality of adults and their children, is the main objective of the study led by the deputy director of Instituto do Cerebro (InsCer) and professor at PUCRS School of Medicine , Magda Lahorgue Nunes. The study is part of a multidisciplinary task force, from the university, which brings together more than 50 professionals and researchers, from different areas, in the search for solutions involving the pandemic.

It is in this sense that the study also intends to collect georeferencing data to identify possible regional effects of home confinement, as well as the presence of excessive daytime sleepiness and to assess whether, in the cases where the respondents indicate a worsening of sleep quality during home confinement, whether these are permanent or transient changes. These data come from a broader initiative that also aims to study the impact of Covid-19 and quarantine on children's cognitive and behavioral aspects, with special interest in children with developmental disorders, during and after the pandemic.

Participation online and anonymously

The group, led by the deputy director of InsCer, is made up of child neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and educators and the activities planned are on several topics, ranging from molecular research and stress markers, academic changes and behavioral issues to influence sleep.

As this is a population-based study, the questionnaire, which assesses the impacts of home confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic on sleep, was developed so that respondents could participate online, with optional anonymity, aiming to reach as many people as possible, throughout Brazil. The questionnaire is available at this link .