20 de Outubro de 2020

Marking Episode in Champagnat's Life Inspires Us to Be Light

“Do not let hope steal from you”. It is with this phrase of Pope Francis that, in 2020, we remember one of the dates that marks the purpose of our institution and that gives meaning to our essence as Marists. In 1816, Marcellin Champagnat, went through a moment that awoke him to the creation of the Marist Institute. On October 27 of that year, he was called to confess to a young man who was seriously ill. Champagnat, then a priest, hurriedly went to the village on the outskirts of La Valla to attend Jean-Basptiste Montagne, 16 years old.

Upon arriving, he was surprised to realize that the boy did not know God and could not, even in his last hours of life, perform a confession. This episode became known as the Encounter with Young Montagne and, according to institutional writings, it was an important and decisive moment for the foundation of the Marist mission.

S olidário, human and with the dream of educating children and young people, from the meeting with Montagne, the Champagnat's questions about how many other children were in the same situation every day drove him to build an education project based on evangelization and the experience of fraternal love.

Hope in every little Montagne < / h4>

More than 200 years later, Champagnat's dream is a reality. The Marist mission is on the move in more than 70 countries around the world, in different spaces and cultures. The face of the young Montagne of 1816 is present in several children and adolescents served in different Marist spaces.

In 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is even more urgent to look for young Montagnes from our routine and work for daily transformation of realities. On this date, inspired by the words of Pope Francis, who encourages us not to lose hope, let us be light in every space of action and be the presence and dream of Champagnat, seeking to serve and be light in the life of each little Montagne.

Vocational Animation: life project with the Monta 21st century gnes

Currently significant and transforming meetings are also taking place through Marist Vocational Animation. Project that invites us to be a presence, with the objective of building a more humane, responsible and conscious tomorrow.

For Br. Edson Rissi, responsible for Vocational Animation of the Marist Network , the Champagnat episode with young Montagne strengthens his daily mission. “We Marists of Champagnat seek to be a significant presence among youth in order to help them discover their personal purposes and build their life projects. Inspired by Marcellin's foundational insight, we seek to 'be present where young people are', ”he says. Learn more about Vocational Animation here.