07 de Janeiro de 2019

Effect of interleukin-1 Beta on the therapeutic potential of bone marrow mononuclear cells in experimental epilepsy

Project Coordinator: Zaquer Suzana Munhoz Costa-Ferro, PhD < / p>

Summary of the work: In the present study, the expression of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) on LTP will be evaluated after induction of epilepticus (SE) status and injection of spinal cord mononuclear cells bone. The specific objectives are: to transplant bone marrow mononuclear cells (CMO) after SE in experimental models; evaluate the response of long-term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampal slices of models with SE, treated with CMO compared to controls; to evaluate the inflammatory response of IL-1 β in the hippocampal slices of the models submitted to SE, treated with CMO and controls by ELISA and Western Blot; evaluate the migration of transplanted cells by PCR.

Here, the effect of treatment with CMOs during epileptogenesis (acute and latent phase) in experimental adult wistar models is investigated. For the induction of epilepsy using the pilocarpine model, they will be divided into two groups: group 1, submitted to the SE and group 2 consisting of control models (without SE induction).

Group 1: the experimental models will receive c pilocarpine. From that moment, the behavioral observation of them will begin. Approximately 90 minutes after installing the SE Diazepam will be injected to stop the seizures. After 60 minutes of applying Diazepam, the models will be subdivided into: I) submitted to the SE who will receive injection of saline solution (SE-saline group), II) submitted to the SE who will receive the cell transplant (SE-CMO group). < / p>

Group 2: The models of the control groups will receive similar treatment, but pilocarpine will be replaced by saline (control group). Models from both experimental groups will be sacrificed 1.3 and 10 days after SE and cell transplantation, these will be weighed and anesthetized with Thiopental (40 mg / Kg) for the removal and section of the brain, with one hemisphere being allocated for evaluation of LTP and the other hemispheres will be allocated for the evaluation of IL-1 β. The migration of transplanted cells will be investigated by PCR in the hippocampus, heart, spleen, kidneys and bone marrow.