02 de Agosto de 2019

PhD student studies image analysis techniques for Zika Virus in USA

The doctoral student in the School of Medicine’s graduate program, Nathalia Bianchini Esper, has just returned from a study abroad experience in the United States. She has been working on the Zika Vírus project at the Brain Institute of RS (BraIns) and got a number of personal and professional experiences in her pocket.
The study abroad period was made possible with the funds from FINEP so that she could work on the Zika Virus research project. In the 31 days she spent in America, she worked with Dr Jeffrey Neil and Dr Alexandre Franco in two different moments. From Jun 25 to Jul 08, Esper was based at the School of Medicine of the University of Washington, in Saint Louis. She did her research in the group coordinated by Dr Neil, who served as a visiting professor at BraIns in March this year. His visit to PUCRS opened the doors of his university for Esper to apply for a mobility program. “In Saint Louis I used techniques to process and analyze structural data from the Zika Virus project. They allow us to have an idea of the anatomy of the brain”, Nathalia says.

From July 9 – 25, while in New York, Nathalia worked with engineer Alexandre Franco at the Child Mind Institute and also at the Nathan S. Kline Institute. In both places, the researcher worked with the Zika Virus project’s magnetic resonance data. “In New York, I worked on functional data techniques that tell us about these children’s brain function. The goal was to learn new analysis techniques”, the doctoral student explains.

Her work in three major centers in the United States contributed to the researcher’s professional and personal growth. “I learned a lot about their methods of work and this is one of the experiences I’m bringing to BraIns: work and research methods. It’s quite different from what we’re used to doing. In addition, I’m using all the technical expertise I gained there in our routine here in the imaging lab”, she describes.

Back at the Brain Institute of RS, Nathalia continues serving as a computer engineer for the Zika Virus project with a renewed spirit. “It’s been a wonderful opportunity. I was able to work with people I admire for the quality of their investigations. It’s been a very rich exchange of experiences”, she concludes.