19 de Junho de 2020

InsCer director participates in live about “the brain during the pandemic”

Through Instagram, the vice-rector of PUCRS and director of the Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (InsCer) addressed the theme “How our brain behaves in a pandemic”. The live of the series Mentes Transformadoras, of Jornal do Comércio, had as interviewer the journalist Patrícia Knebel, and occurred last Thursday, 18.

Asked by the reporter about the feeling of the days being equal, affecting private and professional life, the vice-chancellor commented that if he does not invade the home, having defined environments, meetings and times, the relationship with work will be good. “When you start to mix domestic and professional life, you work harder. In meetings, it is necessary to be careful if there is no noise or if someone will not pass behind the video. The wear is very great, as it is a peripheral attention. In these meetings, the tension is greater, if you are stuck to a screen, to the sound that may not be the best. It is a series of questions that makes it more tiring, interfering with family dynamics ”, he analyzed.

Regarding the home office, the director of InsCer pointed out that the new generations did not experience many difficulties due to the fact that they are used to social networks and believes that everyone will come out different in terms of behavior at work after the pandemic. “We will have different degrees of experience with the home office. Some will have loved, others not so much and others tasted and disliked. It is something more emotional than properly related to a technology ”, he stressed.

The full conversation can be watched on InsCer's Instagram: https://bityli.com/ogqco