07 de Janeiro de 2019

Development of different matrices for transplantation of human neural stem cells derived from iPS in trauma

Project Coordinator: Jaderson Costa da Costa, MD, PhD < / p>

Members: Daniel Marinovic / Guido Lenz / Cháriston André Dal Belo / Célia Carlini / Asdrubal Falavina / Gianina Teribele / Karolin Ogliari - / Alessandra Sebben / Léder Xavier / Nara Basso / Dénis de Assis / Simone Salamoni / Zaquer Costa Ferro / Denise Machado / Michelle Domingues.

Summary of the work: To develop a human neural stem cell transplantation protocol in a mouse spinal cord injury model testing different matrices to optimize survival, differentiation of cells to neurons and oligodendrocytes and the integration of these cells into the injured spinal tissue.

Research areas involved: CPR, CPPC, Neuroscience Laboratories, Cell Signaling and Cellular and Molecular and Molecular Biology at PUCRS - IPB, Organometallic Laboratory and at the Nanostructured Materials Laboratory at PUCRS, Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Biology at PUCRS, Cell Signaling and Plasticity Laboratory - UFGRS, Spinal Pathology Laboratory at UCS, Neurobiology Laboratory UNIPAMPA.

Funding entity: CNPq - Call MCTI / CNPq / CT-SAÚDE / CT- BIOTECNOLOGIA / MS / SCTIE / DECIT / DECIS - No 47/2013.

Published articles:

The expression of pluripotency genes and neuronal markers after neurodifferentiation in fibroblasts co-cultured with human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells < / a>