17 de Abril de 2020

Reports of Covid-19 neurological manifestations grow

In this edition of the column Minuto do Cebra , professor Octávio Pontes Neto presents an overview of the neurological manifestations caused by the covid-19 virus. Because, with the advance of the pandemic, medicine has been observing new clinical details associated with covid-19 and, “in the last weeks, there have been several scientific reports of cases with neurological conditions”, comments the professor.

According to Pontes Neto, the neurotropic potential (capable of infecting nerve cells) of the viruses of the coronavirus family, "mainly of the trigeminal (facial) and olfactory nerves", is already known by science. When the virus invades the cells of the olfactory nerve, it causes one of the most common neurological manifestations, anosmia, which is the difficulty to smell and taste (loss of smell and taste).

Other symptoms reported of the invasion of the central nervous system by Sars-Cov-2 (covid-19 virus) are: encephalitis, myelitis, seizures and even refractory epileptic states. This, says the professor, in addition to other neurological manifestations resulting from the confusion of the immune system caused by the virus, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Therefore, Pontes Neto warns doctors to be aware of new manifestations associated with covid-19. In the past week, he says, the New England Journal of Medicine brought a case report of covid-19 in which the patient developed a stroke and multiple heart attacks in various parts of the body associated with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

Listen in the link above the full column Minute of the Brain .

Source: USP

https://jornal.usp.br/ radio-usp / growing-reports-of-neurological-manifestations-of-covid-19 /