18 de Agosto de 2020

Learning in times of pandemic

The constant and accelerated transformation process is part of the world in which we live. This finding results in the need to reframe different aspects of our lives. In a tumultuous moment, we Marists, with more than two centuries of activity, strive to relearn and, equally, we understand that this is a challenge for all families.

With the conviction that education is a collective process, we asked the families of our students to answer a key question: what are the main challenges in your children's education?

From this participation, the Em Família project emerged, which invites specialists from different Marist Network ventures to debate and reflect on the main doubts that have arisen. The first topic addressed is Learning and as [re] learned during the pandemic .

Watch the video below.

How the learning process happens

The way in which learning takes place involves our senses, our ability to think, our emotions and our internal repertoires. Faced with a new object of knowledge, we are driven to assign meaning and build an interpretation that enables us to understand that knowledge. After this first dynamic stage, knowledge is internalized, making it its own.

According to the Rio Grande do Sul Brain Institute (InsCer) < / a> Augusto Buchweitz, it is essential to keep pace with studies even during an atypical period like the one we are living in: “learning should be as continuous as possible. We need to try to keep our brain moving ”, he defines.

Rochele Fonseca, researcher in Neuropsychology at PUCRS , agrees. She explains that the learning process demands more autonomy from students at this time. “This self-monitoring is a cognitive function of the frontal lobe of the brain, that is, the set of more complex skills and whose development can be completed within 30 years, depending on the person” , contextualizes.

To contribute to this development, parents need to identify how far their children can go on their own, and allow them to become more experienced and form this habit, according to the expert.

Family organization and support

To facilitate this development, it is essential that parents strengthen their children's autonomy, providing the tools for students to reach their own answers, according to Cristiann Matos, Pedagogical Coordinator of College Marista Roque . “ One of the main roles that we can perceive is to provide an adequate environment, the motivation for these studies, by helping to build healthy study habits, motivation and the help of tools to overcome these obstacles” , he declares.

An important part of the process is the construction of a study routine. “It makes a lot of sense for parents to organize a schedule of tasks”, comments Caroline Garziera, Pedagogical Coordinator of Colégio Marista Rosário . “ But it is important to keep in mind that this routine will not be identical to that followed in school, because in the school environment there is the context of social interaction, which makes times different”. At the same time as these tasks can be organized by parents, it is essential that they have the sensitivity not to fill the whole afternoon with cognitive and directed activities, precisely due to the absence of the relationship with their peers.