05 de Setembro de 2019

September 5 - Amazon Day

For more than 50 years, the Marist presence has covered native communities, riverside regions and the immensity of rivers, lakes and Amazonian forests. Marist Network are present in the cities of Boa Vista, in the state of Roraima; Manaus, Tabatinga and Lábrea, in the state of Amazonas; and Cruzeiro do Sul and Rio Gregório, in Acre.

Currently, about 20 Marist and Lay Brothers work in partner schools and are in charge of projects that aim at the formation of leaders, insertion in Indigenous communities, Pastoral, Vocational Animation and volunteering.

In line with the Church of the Amazon, the Marist Network seeks inculturated action among children, adolescents, young people and families, preserving their values, overcoming limitations, defending the life to the full in all its forms.

Access the menu and check where are the communities of the Marist Network in the Amazon.

Performance in the territory of the International Amazon

In addition to Brazil, eight more countries are part of the Amazon region. The Marist presence in this territory is currently conducted by four administrative units representing Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile and Peru.

In Brazil, we have the Marist Network with six communities in the states of Amazonas, Roraima and Acre and also the unit administrative Marista Centro-Norte com presence in Pará, Maranhão and Tocantins. Both support interprovincial projects in the region and receive Brothers and Laity to carry out missionary work in these locations.

The Marist administrative unit representing Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela develops different initiatives in the educational and pastoral areas. In Ecuador, young indigenous people attend the Intercultural and Bilingual College, Abya Yala , in Lago Agrio - Sucumbios. In Venezuela, it maintains a school in the village of Sabra Catalina and, in addition, they count on the collaboration of the Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart to carry out the integral formation of adolescents and young people of the Cofãn, Kichwa, Siona, Secoya and Shuar.

No Peru , the work is under the responsibility of the local Marist administrative unit that maintains a home for reception and school support for indigenous adolescents who are studying in Puerto Maldonado and also develops a training project for educators indigenous people at the Champagnat University in Lima.